Daily Archives: December 16, 2012

Fearing Evil

There is so much evil in the world today. My first instinct is to ask God “Why?”, but if I were honest, I’d have to say that I probably know the answer. Either way, it’s not for me to question. However, being prone to anxiety and fear on a daily basis, all of the recent tragedies have only added new layers. The past few days have been difficult for me, as they have been for many people. My first glance at media this morning was met by the “Breaking News” of a church about a mile from the Connecticut school having been evacuated this morning after a bomb threat. First a movie theater shooting, then another school, a hospital in Alabama and now this? The heaviness of my heart had finally weakened me to the point of collapse. I didn’t fight it. No, instead I just gave in. I collapsed right into Gods arms, into His Word.

The truth is, I could no longer simply “remember” the words that I needed to give me strength. I needed something to refresh me, and as it turns out-God gave me (and everyone) just the thing to remind us what we need to know.
I sat down and looked up every verse that dealt with fear, be it the fear of God, the fear of man, or the fear of anything else. After reading a few, I came across the verse that brought me peace.

“Do not be afraid of sudden fear
Nor the onslaught of wicked when it comes.”
– Proverbs 3:25

The reminder that God told me not to be afraid of wicked when it comes just resonated with me. After all, what are all of these things that are going on if not “wicked?” “Do not be afraid”, He says. That is enough for me. To know that the Father has said this is one thing, but to be able to read it over and over in a letter written to me and all of His children has a profound power that little else can compare to.

If you have fear in your heart, turn to God. You may not find what you’re expecting, but if you seek it with all your heart, He will give you peace.


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Posted by on December 16, 2012 in Building Blocks for Life


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